Museum of the City of NY-
Stanford Law-
Campbells Soup-
US Supreme Court-
US District Court, NY-
Hewlett Foundation-
Warshaw Burstein Law, NY-
Trinity Church, NY-
Colony Club, NY-
Univ. of Chicago-
Marquette Univ.-
Univ. of Rochester-
Rouse Corp.-
Phillips Exeter-
Univ. of Virginia School of Law-
Nicolaysen Art Museum, WY-
McCarter English Law, NJ-
Salmagundi Club, NY-
White and Case Law, NY-
Columbia Presb. Babies Hospital
New York City Street
Tanya - Graphite - 17" x 13.5" - 1978± Sixth Ave. and 4th, NYC - NFS
Ronnie - Oil/Linen - 37" x 34" - started:12/13/14 Casper, WY
Connie - Graphite - 9" x 11" - 1979± 4 West 37th, NYC - NFS